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Spouse having child while still married to me

My husband left me twice last year. We split in June tried to reconcile in August and then he left again in December. He now has a girlfriend and she is four months pregnant. I know it is wrong to hate him but we was married for 12 years and I really just can’t stand him. He left me with a mortgage and two kids to care for by myself. He has no remorse and is just so spiteful towards me. It hurts that he was so disloyal to me I try not to hate him but it’s hard and I end up saying the most horrible things to him. He tries to say he was t having an affair but I know he was. How do I move on so that I can get rid of this hurt and pain?

Re: Spouse having child while still married to me

Hello Amor,

It's not easy to do, at all, but all of that is in the past now if he is gone. You will need to find a way to finish out the divorce, and meet someone new, and you definitely can! It's always hard to hear, but try to look forward, not backward. It definitely never fully goes away, but the pain DOES dissipate over time.

Also, I highly recommend "20 Years Gone: A Divorce Story" by Dorian Wright (available on Amazon). They went through a very similar situation to yours, and still found a way to find happiness again. I wish you the best of luck.