Womans Divorce Forum

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I finally had the courage today to call a lawyer for a divorce. Now I'm SCARED TO DEATH!

I’ve been married for 16 years (together for 21 - since I was 17 years old).
We have a 15-year-old daughter together. He almost killed both of us a few months ago and I’ve been too scared to do anything since it happened. He is very controlling and by his design I don’t have friends (unless they are his friends) and I don’t have much family left because he has made it clear we are better off without them. Basically, I have no support, I’m leaving my husband who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, but I have to protect my daughter first. I’m trying to keep my wits and not panic, I think I need a mantra to say to myself when I feel like crumbling.

Re: I finally had the courage today to call a lawyer for a divorce. Now I'm SCARED TO DEATH!


I can only imagine how nervous/afraid you are. I am contemplating divorcing my husband of 15 years for years of emotional and physical abuse, but I don’t even know where to start. I just found out he had opened an savings acct in his name and my checks have been going in there. He will not give me access to it because he says I owe him for the 3 years I didn’t work while I was fighting severe depression. I had attempted suicide and was hospitalized, but he never believed in depression.