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Sad mom trying to be happy again

I really need some advice and know I'm not alone. Well here is my story. I meet a guy that I feel in love with 8 years ago. I had 3 children from a previous relationship when I meet him. We had a child together and all lived together. Well after the new year he decided that he no longer was in love with me and walked out on me and my kids. It was only about 2 weeks after he left that I found out he was dating another woman that has kids that are not his. It's been over 4 months now since he left but I still cry everyday. I'm always thinking about him and just feel so ugly and dead inside. I ask myself what was wrong with me? Why wasn't I good enough? When do you start to feel normal again. What makes it worse is Everytime he picks up his child for the weekend he is always so happy like his life is perfect. I try to act like it doesn't bother me but the moment he leaves I depressed once again. I just really need some advice on how to move on and be ok. Thank you.

Re: Sad mom trying to be happy again

I am so sorry for what you’re going through. When I went through my divorce after 25 years of being married, I know the things that helped me were deepening my relationship with God and finding a therapist who I could cry and share my feelings with. You need to know that you are worthy, you are loved and you will get through this. It takes time. Baby steps. Don’t try to think too far into the future. Find the beauty in each day. Think of something each day that you’re grateful for. It might just be that cup of coffee you have in the morning or going for a walk and feeling the sunshine on your face. I promise you,you will get through this. Stronger than ever.

Re: Sad mom trying to be happy again

Thank you Lyn for those kind words. I just feel so lost right now. I try not to think about him and everything he is doing with his new girlfriend and her kids but it's so hard. I just don't understand why I became so unimportant to him and she became his world. I try to think of other things or keep my mind busy but I always fall back into remembering my life with him. I also think with me not working right now I'm thinking of him more. Work was a good distraction for me.

Re: Sad mom trying to be happy again

I just became unimportant to my husband 7 days ago. He waited for me hand and foo for 12 yrs. Now he doesn't even want to talk to me not even for the kids. I found out tonight he is video messaging with someone else. It hurts bad!! My kids are broken. My 10yr old cried and told me divorce is hurting him bad. My daughter 9yr old cant stop crying. My hands are tied and i cant get out then bed.

Re: Sad mom trying to be happy again

Everything will work out. Stay hopeful and know that you deserve better. Communicate with him to set clear intentions and if he is no longer interested in you...then remove your self. Let him miss you! Be happy, calm, and collected in front of your kids because kids pick up on emotions. Do not let your kids see you sad. Take time for your self and cry, yell, exercise, kickbox, or scream if you can....get those emotions out alone. Divorce is hard but you can get through it! Push forth, you've got this strong woman!!! There's a book called "the broken heal' that has helped me get back there in the dating world!! Once your free...its the dating game, there are great guys out there!