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Tired of feeling like I'm always unwanted

I've been married for 3 years together for 7. He cheated on me in the past, twice. One I was told about from the other girl, the other one he told me about and asked for forgiveness. This was a new one for me so I forgave him and really thought he wanted to be with me. Now I've seen new evidence that hes cheating on me again. Explicit pictures from ther girls, setting up times they can meet, and telling them what hes going to do to them. I feel sick, I thought he truly lived me.
Hes always over critical. Always has something negative to say after we have sex, and is usually pressuring me to do something I dont want to do. There has been no foreplay in years and he just doesn't seem to think about me at all. If i want food on the way home i call him and ask if he wants anything, but he will never do that for me, and gets angry if I forget to ask. I want to ask for divorce but not until our lease is up in January. But I dont know if I can fake it until then. Hes been violent in the past but only when hes drunk, so I'm afraid to ask for divorce until I have a complete escape plan in place. Does anyone have any advice? How do i survive this for the next 5 months?

Re: Tired of feeling like I'm always unwanted

Do you have family with whom you can stay? Maybe he needs to see how different things are when you are gone.

Re: Tired of feeling like I'm always unwanted

no, I might have a friend but I dont want to burden them. and I dont want to involve my family in any way. they will only throw gasoline on the fire. they dont believe in divorce and wont understand entertaining the idea.

Re: Tired of feeling like I'm always unwanted

Unfortunatly he sounds like a Narcasit. For one that should make you feel better because he will be this way with anyone he is with. it has nothing personally to do with you. for two he will never change until he is ready and will need a lot of professional help. for three when you leave he will beg for you to come back and he will be the greatest all over again but the same thing will end up happening. get out now and find yourself and one day a real great man will come into your life. If this guy really does love you and you want to give him another chance do not make it easy.