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Divorce Advice

So we just started to go over what we can agree upon in our divorce. so many people are telling me to just get an attorney because there is probably so many things I'm not knowing that I can get out of the divorce. I have a 15-year-old child and we own a house together. He does have a 401k that is a good size. I just get so confused because some people say to go have to alimony and not child support because alimony will last longer. I'm just looking for opinions of what I can go after in a divorce we've been married for 25 years. Anyone in a similar Thanks in advance

Re: Divorce Advice

Please please please consult a lawyer.

Re: Divorce Advice

Hi Mindy,

I am sorry that you're dealing with this - divorce isn't easy for anyone..

Many attorneys may request a large retainer up front, and I created "Lawyer for a Day" to help you avoid that. With our platform, you can pay a flat fee of a few hundred dollars to have one of the experienced family law attorneys in my network provide you with a consultation + represent you for 1 court appearance.

This is a great way to get legal advice + legal representation at a time when your resources may be limited. Many of our clients choose to continue working with their assigned attorney for future court appearances as well.

Feel free to call me at 978-317-4175 or email me at anthony@lawyerforaday.com if you have any questions or to have a discussion.


Re: Divorce Advice

My personal expirence is we agreed on everything at the begining and then my husband went off the deep end and i realized i was being way to nice in what i was giving. getting a lawyer has helped me alot. Unfortunatly it is expensive. You have to do what you have to do though. Maybe just see if any lawyers do consultation and just get advise first?