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I'm screwed

I work full time, pay health insurance. He quit his job a year ago..did nothing for 4 month, started working at home depot..has been calling off, drinking and now saying if i coukd divorce him h ell take me for every dime and make my life h ell. I have 2 kids and cant say anything so I dont make thier home life unbearable..i don't want them caught up in this, it's not fair to them. But this isnt fair to me..he said if I move out h ell sue me and I'll have to still pay for him to live here..can he do that? I cant afford that plus my own place. I have to move my kids out of thier home, cant afford a house solo..my poor kids I hate him!!

Re: I'm screwed

If all that you are saying is accurate, you need to consult a lawyer immediately, and get your children out of that environment asap.

Re: I'm screwed

I actually called one today (can’t believe I did it) to kind of see how this works.

Sadly, it’s accurate! Things are fine around my kids.. I don’t say anything because I don’t want them witnessing an argument.

Re: I'm screwed

Good for you! Depending on what State you are in, the lawyer may actually ask you to generate a log of daily events to use to build a case. You mentioned the person calling off of work frequently, drinking, etc. Get ahead of the game and start making notes of those details.

This example, and many other helpful ones, can be found in the book "20 Years Gone: A Divorce Story" by Dorian Wright (available on Amazon.com and Google Books).

Re: I'm screwed

Ok! Thanks so much! Appreciate it.. didn’t think to do that

Re: I'm screwed

HI, you are not screwed...if you stay then you will be. Move on and never look back...be strong...it's not gonna be easy but at the end of the day you'll look at your kids and smile for them and yourself. LIf it short...enjoy it...you have your kids...:-)