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I've been married for 7 years and my husband wanted to seperate after i found a secret folder on his phone. we got into a huge argument and he told me he was done. our relationship hasnt always been great. i got involded with him while he had someone else pregnant. He got joint custody of his child and then we ended up pregnant and having a baby too. the kids are 11 months apart. We both cheated on each other. Then he cheated on me again several months later. i thought we finally were getting to a happy place but then i got pregnant again and it seemed to fall apart from there. i was trying so hard to do everything right and be happy and keep a happy family. By the time out newest child was 6 months old it seemed my husband completly gave up. Wouldnt help out much, always on his phone, never wanted to do anything with me, etc. i suggested councling, booked a anniversary get away, and a vacation this summer for us to try to reconnect but nothing i did worked. he told me he cant forgive me for cheating because i actually had sex (literally lasted 2 seconds and i stopped it because i was drunk and that is not something i wanted to do) anyway apperantly when he cheated he didnt have sex he just left me and the kids for a week and then made out and spent the night at his ex's house. anyway when we first seperated we talked about everything about co-parenting, being friends, etc. He has no gone off the deap end and has a crazy, controling, money hungry gf that doesnt have custody of her 4 kids. He left my kids with her after 48 hours of knowing her so i took him to court for full custody. he has not seen or asked about his kids in 2 weeks. all of this is just so hard. im trying to cope with losing my husband someone i truey loved, losing my family, not understanding why he has thrown me and kids away like trash, what i did so wrong for him to hate me, why i wasnt good enough, and i wrry about my kids safety when they are with him. i feel so broken and i guess i just wanted some advise. anyone expirence anything similar? what was the outcome? did your ex figure out he was screwing up? did he come back? did he keep doing this? anything will help