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Military and Divorce

My husband is an active duty.We have been together for 15 yrs,married 6 yrs.We have 2 kids 6 and 4 yr olds. We have been stationed overseas where i was from since the beginning of our relationship and got stationed in the US almost 4 yrs ago where my husband is from.I am a permanent resident but not a citizen yet.
He had been cheating on me since day one of the relationship,
forgiven but not forgotten. It just got worst when we got to the US. My husband is a narcissist and he admitted it.
He has been in a few relationships since we got here in the US.
We separated 2018 . He left home. Although hes still paying all our bills he only gives us a certain amount every month that i have to use for everything at home.
I didnt had access financially before the separation. I had no savings, 0 dollar on my wallet before we separated.We do groceries together and he pays them, we need to buy something ,he go and get them.
I couldnt work bcoz he didnt want to pay for day care or nanny. We had a joint account that he emptied when he left home. Right now my kids and i are relying on the amount he gives us every month.Nothing more,nothing less while he spends hundreds and thousands worth of things for himself and his girlfriends.
He said its his money and he can spend it however he wants and if i want some then go find a job.
I tried asking for help from our command.They ended up helping him not me.They didnt believe what i said. My husband told them i wanted to ruin his military career. They gave us a restraning order to not contact or see eachother for 100days without his military escort.Found out later it was for me to protect him.
Fast forward to present day. He went underway and will be gone for 10 months.Him and his command wont tell me his where abouts.
He hired a lawyer and filed for divorce.I didnt sign anything .He wants to sell the house we purchased together. He wanted all debts and loans payed by us both.I DONT HAVE ANY DEBT OR LOAN UNDER MY NAME. ALL DEBTS AND LOANS WAS HIS BCOZ HE SPENDS THEM ON HIMSELF and HIS WOMEN.But he wanted me to pay for them too.
And the paper also stated that he is not paying alimony.
I filled up a Response for Petition for marriage disagreeing and sent them to the court and his lawyer.I have no idea whats gonna happen after that. Should i wait for them to contact me? Should i file something more?
I dont know anything about divorce. Im just googling and watching tutorials online about divorce.
I wont have my own lawyer coz i cant afford one. Ive been looking online for pro bono ones.
Him,its his second divorce. I am his 2nd wife.
Im scared for my kids and i.
I couldnt sleep. Im trying to be strong but sometimes i just want to give up.
Im physically,emotionally,mentally drained.