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Help! I don't want to visit my mom as much, but don't know what to do.

My mom and I have always had issues. But my dad was there to kind of shelter me from it. Now that my mom and I live alone together it's been really hard on me mentally, even my friends have noticed. I've been switching houses for 8 months and been in therapy with my mom for 4 months. I've tried talking to her and have my therapist talk to her but she just won't change the visitation. I'm 15 and it's really frustrating that I can't do anything. She just keeps saying "I can't do that". She's making it about her and kind of ignoring me. I want to just tell her "this is going to be the schedule" but I don't want to get my dad in trouble. His lawyer says that the court won't make me go to my mom', but I want to make sure. I'm really close with my dad, and I want to have that with my mom, but all she dies it treats me like I'm 5. I have no privacy, as well as her stressing me out and other things it's really taken a toll on me. I've told her this but she just won't listen. Does anyone else have a similar problem, and will my dad get in trouble or not?