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I messed up

Married 12 years, no kids. I recorded audio in our home (his home office). I do not really have a good reason, no cheating or abuse, good husband except Has always been on and off emotionally detached for over a year. We still have many good times. Well he found the recorder, I fessed up, acknowledged and apologized. We were planning to sell our home in the next month anyway, but he states because I recorded his work conversations, I could be charged with felony and does not want to have to report to a lawyer. So he told me to "tell him what I want" and he will pay for an uncontested divorce. I have no idea where to begin. I assume that because of my trust issues (I've always had these with no reason and therapy for that) that even despite the potential felony issues that the marriage is over anyway and I do not see us (him) getting past this. I completely understand even though I never listened to the recordings. I think it was mostly a mental thing to "have in my back pocket". Now I know I've given up any potential for saving this marriage. Where do I even begin?
If he did report the recording, his employer would fire him and likely press charges. Even though no information was shared. All advice welcome