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Quit Claim Deed

In 1997 my husband divorced his 2nd wife, she quit claim deeded him the home in exchange for cash buy out. In 1998 my husband and I went to the county clerk where we recorded a quit claim deed to the home mentioned above. We divorced and I never received a copy of the final degree and I really don’t remember the property decisions made that day in court I was just happy I was divorced. I have never been contacted or asked to sign any papers or deed to transfer the home back to him. Recently my boyfriend purchased a home and I mentioned I had a quit claim deed to the property I lived at with my husband, after my boyfriend asked me questions about the deed and I said I had never signed anything to change ownership nor had been contacted to do so. So I started doing some research on the property only to find out that in 2005 eight years after she had signed in 1997 a quit claim deed to the property over to my ex-husband, it appears the two of them filed some kind of document changing the legal property description for the property and no reflection of the quit claim deed We recorded at the county clerks office which had shown my self as the grantee only and him as the grantor. There are so many different recorded documents and transactions that appear in the property history since 2005 none representing the quit claim deed in 1998 you have to really dig to find a reference to it that if I had not know the facts I would never be able to connect it to the property. He just recently sold the property and again I find this confusing. I figured if he wanted to sell or passed I would be compensated for the property. Never happened nor did I receive any notices or court order to sign off on the property. What should I do? I definitely should have received compensation and most importantly I never signed any transfer of ownership. What is my legal recourse ?