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Separation during Covid

My husband of 22 years told me 4 months ago that he doesn’t love me anymore and wants a divorce. We have 2 kids together. I am completely broken, our relationship wasn’t perfect but I had no idea he was this unhappy. The part that kills me is he never gave us a chance, I would do anything to save my marriage and keep my family together. Here’s the thing.... he has not moved out or contacted a lawyer and wants to wait to tell the kids. I feel like he is saying one thing but the fact that he doesn’t talk about moving out is giving me hope. What makes this even harder is we are stuck at home because of Covid. We can’t go anywhere and we can’t see friends. I feel so lonely. Any tips on how not to feel completely alone during a separation during Covid?

Re: Separation during Covid

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. That must be heartbreaking.
Now, if he doesn't make any moves and you want your family to stay together, maybe there is a possibility to work things out, no?

Did you guys talk about couple therapy?

Since the COVID started, divorce rate exploded. People realized that they didn't really know the person they are living with and that they didn't nurture enough their relationships during all these years of marriage.

But it's maybe not too late to turn things around. Discuss what have been lost on the journey together, what can bring back the passion ...

Re: Separation during Covid


This whole thing sucks. I’m here to validate and commiserate cuz I’m in a similar boat. For me, telling people helps it feel more real and helps give others context to know what I’m dealing with. The house, moving, all of that is complicated and will come in time (for me). Maybe ask your partner if not dealing with the house and moving is a way for them to show their hope yo work things out? Or maybe they just don’t have the emotional capacity to deal right now?

Take some breaks, go for walks, get outside.

Be well stranger, you are stronger than you think.

Re: Separation during Covid

Similar boat, but I was served.

The fact that your partner does not want to follow with actions, suggests he has not made up his mind definitively.

My recommendation, stay calm and try to talk to him. If he is willing to talk to you, then there is hope

Re: Separation during Covid

That’s hard. If it was me I would lay it all out on the table. If he wants to leave what do you have to loose? Maybe if you open yourself up and give him room to open up also you’ll find a way back to each other. If you really want to save your marriage, listen to him and put your words into action. But if he’s really done then you know you have it your all.

Best wishes!