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The audacity. Never date a “seperated” person..

So I met an amazing woman and we hit it off, don’t get me wrong I’m not a home wrecker by any means. I was very respectful and took it slow. She initiated sex and other leaps like moving in together. It wasn’t just lust I mean great sex great everything multiple times a day. We really had an emotional connection I’ve never felt with any woman. Mind you I’m 28 at the time and she’s 35 turns out she’s married. But Seperated. Her husband was a raging alcoholic btw. He deserted her Physically abusive wasn’t there for child birth because he was out partying. So we are together for about a year and the whole time I’m asking and questioning her about when the divorce is gonna be final. She wanted to marry me as I did her. So after the first year she got pregnant with my child. He is 1 year old now. And for the past 3 months she has been like distant and just really cold. No kisses vague hugs and no love or intimacy. So I asked her what is going on? She couldn’t give me an answer. She has been really going to church and now she thinks she’s a prophet. So we’re laying in bed every night and I try to make love to her and she stops me and says STOP! “That’s inappropriate” so I say ok I respect your newfound morals so when are you going to get divorced. And that’s when it hit me. I saw that look in her eyes. She said I’m stilll married.. she said she shouldn’t have been there that night we met. and now she has had a spiritual awakening and turned her life to god and told me she couldn’t be with me. I live in her house and now she’s kicking me out. Idk how to feel or what to think kind of numb at the moment.

Re: The audacity. Never date a “seperated” person..

Might I add we have a child that has to suffer for this. She has two kids that had to suffer already. And now my kid is too. Who does that?