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Hi, married 25 years and 4 special needs kids and stay at home mom to take care of kids. I am on ssdi and he keeps all the money to himself including putting house, cars in his name. He makes good money how do I pay for divorce ?

Re: Divorce

Hi, I'm not in the USA, however where I live, women in your situation might:

1. Gather as much evidence of finances as you can ie. Bank account balances, 401k, savings accounts, any investments and also details of any debts such as loans, liens or credit cards.
2. Get comparison valuations for the house (similar sized/condition properties in your neighbourhood) from recent sales prices listed on the internet.
3. Again, look up online, the estimated value for the vehicles (based on their year, mileage, condition etc).
4. Work out whether you will need spousal maintenance to be able to stay at home to raise your kids (or whether you will continue with ssdi). Think long-term also: Will your kids remain dependant upon you when they are adults (given how you say they have 'special needs?')
5. Research divorce lawyers who will delay taking their fee until settlement is achieved. Such lawyers will often charge their clients a higher rate and/or interest if they 'loan' you the money however, so shop around.
6. Consider what resources and supports you will have available if/when he is no longer around to help out with the kids: Do you have family support for example from extended family members?
7. You haven't stated why you wish to divorce him: Consider whether marriage guidance counselling might be an option to try first if you believe there's a chance you could work towards a more satisfying/happier relationship with him. Do you, for example, get 'couple time' together or is all of both of your time generally spent taking care of the kids? It can be very tiring running around after kids; especially 4 with 'special needs.'

Re: Divorce

apply or ask about free divorce. there is a word for it that starts with i. indiginous?? not sure but im broke af and finding a way around the system myself. what an *******

Re: Divorce

Wow, Kaz, good advice, and my prayers to the original poster.