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child support for college enrolled child not living at home?

My Ex and I have been separated for almost 4 years. At first, our teenage children lived with me and he paid me support, and then when I decided to move to the city, my daughter stayed with my ex and I paid him support (my son is an adult and working now out on his own)
We did not go through the courts, we just had a separation agreement in place.
Now my daughter is 18 and going to college full time, not living with either of us. I suggested to him we each send her half of what I was paying, so $200 each a month. He has completely ignored my messages and barely talks to his own daughter. he's butthurt about her moving out so I'm not having to pay him anymore(he pocketed most of the money for himself, hardly did anything for her with my support money and loved the fact I struggled on my own financially)
Law here says you have to keep paying support for a child when they are enrolled full time in post secondary education. But since she doesn't live with either of us, I don't know how to get him to listen.
help! I just want him to help support his own **** child. My parents paid her tuition, I'm sending her what I can, and she's working part time, but I don't want her to work more hours and jeopardize school.

Re: child support for college enrolled child not living at home?

Maybe get your daughter to print out proof of her college enrolment and send it, together with a letter from a lawyer, ‘reminding’ your ex that the law states he is responsible to help maintain her while she remains in full-time education (to age 21 is it?) as her biological father. Because you didn’t go down the formal route re: child support, it might be a bit trickier, but I’d speak to the government dept that usually deals with child support and maybe the courthouse also, just to ask their advice on the situation too?

I’m not certain of the answer to your question, but as no one else has replied so far, I thought I’d share my thoughts as to what I would do in your situation if I faced the same issue...

Good luck. Don’t give up: You and your daughter deserve a great future :)