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How to cope with him leaving after cheating

Me and my ex where together for 18 year's and I found out he cheated in October again. He came home for two weeks to try to make it work but ended up leaving because he said I couldn't get over it and due to fighting. I was fighting but only to when I would find out more thing's he was not being truthful about. I'm devastated because he seems so happy while I'm the one who is suffering. We have two children together and he always said this is where he wanted to be. I'm now seeing maybe not was not the truth. I dealt with a lot of emotional abuse from him the whole 6 month's he was cheating and now I feel empty.

Re: How to cope with him leaving after cheating

I’m so sorry to hear your story Jamie. From your post, it sounds as if this is not the first time he’s cheated on you?

I guess it comes down to ‘drawing a line in the sand/setting boundaries.’ Where is his respect for you in this? It’s a classic example of him-maybe he’s a narcissist?- blaming YOU for not ‘getting over it!’ HIS infidelity! Where’s his responsibility in this? Sounds like 100% pure selfish behaviour-especially if it’s a repeated behaviour also...

You mention emotional abuse. I’m sorry to say, but I would sincerely start planning a future without him now, as emotionally hard as that seems. The future you thought (and hoped) you’d have with him with your children, is not demonstrated by the reality of what’s actually happening. Where is he now? Who is he with? Do you even know?

I would seek out emotional support from family/a trusted friend or two and start looking at ways you can move towards a more positive, empowered future, without the cheating ‘dog’ constantly messing with your emotions and family stability. You deserve SO much better than this low-down, disrespectful behaviour he’s repeatedly putting you through. Hugs 🤗