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It’s almost like I want someone else to make the decision for me

I can find reasons to stay and reasons to go. He’s great on many levels. I just have a desire to explore my sexuality. It’s always been there....nothings changed. I’ve just silenced that part of myself for so long I keep wondering what it would be like? Would it give me confidence in other areas of my life to connect with this innate part of me?

I can’t take the wavering and the uncertainty. I just want to rip the bandaid off and move forward. It’s a terrible time, we’re in a pandemic, we will lose all the money we poured into our house, the rental market is unstable, jobs are precarious yet still I’m going this route??? My brain is screening NO! And my heart is thumping telling me if not now then at some point in the future you’ll run into this again and that’s not fair to him.

Insight? Thoughts? Questions? Not in a great place here.

Re: It’s almost like I want someone else to make the decision for me

Hello my sister, my therapist once told me to look at the facts and not your emotions. I know I don’t know all the details like how long have you been married, is your marriage really important to you?

Re: It’s almost like I want someone else to make the decision for me

Thank you for replying. It is important to me. I care about him and us and what we’ve built. I just feel stagnant like I want to rediscover myself. I feel trapped and think a lifetime is a long time.