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Why does he still want to stay?

Things haven’t been great with us this year. I said I want a divorce. I want to explore dating other people and he’s still throwing himself at me. I just don’t get it. I’ve never broken up with someone before...let alone divorced someone. This is really ******* hard.

I made a list of to stay or to go and he found it 😳🤯😬😵 yet still he wants to stay. I can’t even take care of myself right now...I sure as hell cant take care of others. I crave space.

Re: Why does he still want to stay?

this is exactly how I feel. except ive been actually preparing to leave. he doesn't know I have an apartment Im moving into next month. with all this time I have until then I keep asking myself if I'm making a major mistake.

Re: Why does he still want to stay?

I filed for divorce last month after 29 years. Hardest decision of my life. I am praying I don't live to regret it. But I haven't been happy. Hoping this is what I need. How are you girls doing?

Re: Why does he still want to stay?

Ditto! For the past year and a half we've been married I have regretted wasting 12 years with my husband. I'm been going crazy, craving attention and love from someone who cheated on me multiple times, physically and emotionally abused me and yet for some reason I wonder if I'm making a mistake. But I realized, the mistake is that if I did't move on I'd be failing myself - I've cried every single day for a year and a half, and that's a waste of my time and energy. He knows this and still expects us to build a future together because "he's not a quitter", but neither am I for moving on before it's too late, because I'm not going to quit on my life.

Re: Why does he still want to stay?

I know exactly how you feel. Last month I told my husband of fifteen years that I want out. I havent been happy since forever and I am tired of pretending just to make him and the kids happy. He keeps fighting for me, doing all the things I used to beg him to do but he wouldn't. Every few days he gets mad and I think maybe hes finally moving on in the stages of grief, but then he gets this epiphany and starts trying to win me back despite my telling him not to do this because it won't change anything. I am beyond frustrated. I too have never broken up with anyone. I never lived with anyone before my husband. So I feel in the dark about so much. I just know the thought of staying makes me feel miserable but the thought of leaving makes me feel free and alive. I will not give in and be miserable to save his feelings.

Re: Why does he still want to stay?

I feel this so much. My husband and I have been together 20 years, married 16. We have three girls. We have been together since I was 17. I can from a super messy home life and when he and I met I was desperate to be free of my home life. I thought I was in love for awhile. I started to realize I wanted out right before I found out I was pregnant with my first. We did “the right thing” and got married. Now after two more kids and 16 years I want out. I told him 16 months ago I felt this way, he got really mean. I wasn’t working at the time so I couldn’t do much. It wasn’t until I got myself a good job that he pulled his head out of his ass and started doing all the things he should have been doing all along. I should appreciate it but at this point I am so far checked out that I still just want out. I’m tired of explaining myself and having all my people be upset because I finally want a chance to be happy after all these years....