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Going through a sudden unexpected divorce..its been months till now not even once he contacted me.i am contacting everyday..its like he never even once loved me..how can he live me like this without talking or meeting personally..i open eyes i see him our life coz i never expected this he was showing affection.all of a sudden just abadonend me.n now case also filed..everyone says no hope.what i should do...i cant stop loving him

Re: Divorce

Hi Payal,

I’m so sorry you have to go through this. I can empathise what you must be going through and I’m sending you lots of power and love. I was in a International inter faith inter cultural marriage. My spouse also has a history of mental health so our international nature of marriage started causing him depression and anxiety and he just wanted to end everything as he couldn’t handle the stress and challenges of the marriage. He didn’t even want to give me or us a chance and kept saying I was a good wife but this was all a mistake. I can’t even tell you the amount of anguish he has caused me and my family. I loved him so much and still do. How can you stop loving someone just like that despite how cruelly and selfishly they have treated you. In my marriage I know it was a lot to do with my soon to be depressed ex husband’s mental health and unfortunately there was just nothing I could do to help and salvage our marriage. It takes two to work and save a marriage and one spouse actively trying to work things doesn’t suffice to save the marriage. This may sound cliche but loving someone dearly also means setting them free and letting go. It’ does not mean you gave up but you let go out of love. That is the only way I’ve been consoling myself. I don’t know how you’ll get through this and come out on the other side where this light and hope. Right now take care of yourself both mental and physical health. This phase won’t last forever and you’ll be ok and thriving one day someday again. Wishing you nothing but the best. Take care 💖

Re: Divorce

Thanks a lot shreya.my husband was also stressed he cant handle small things in marriage.But to others he is balming me and with me not even facing me personally.i am sure coz i lived with him there is no issues but to him he cant handle even small things.he used to say work and this thing i cant hndle,more responsbility than work and all.But the shock is all of a sudden when i came to native and coz of lockdown i got stuck he just left me here by aaying not interested anymore.Like you said shreya its true two people should work together,i know.But accepting the same that my mrg life is over, when he kissed me and said we will come back together and all - i am not able to.
You are atrong shreya - hope i will overcome this like you.Thank you dear.