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How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

In marriage or relationship, I do not think there should be any kind of secret or privacy. I don’t think it's nice to be so clingy with your phone and it been locked with a password that is not known by your wife or husband. I admit that a phone is someone's privacy but it gets to a point where when one is over-protective of his mobile device is gets suspicious. After 5years of marriage with a man I loved so much I discovered that a lot of his usual activities had changed, he wasn't spending time with me and that was unlike him, he always preferred to be with his phone all the time and when he isn't pressing the phone the screen faces down. After some time he started acting funny and suddenly changed his password that he had been using and always keeping her phone to herself. He is always on calls and getting his phone off him is like trying to take a bone from a hungry dog? He started asking funny questions like "Why do you need to see my phone, don't you trust me" ? So, i confronted him but he never came clean, instead, he picked up a fight and made me feel stupid for suspecting him. I told my friend about it and she advised that i hire a private investigator to confirm my suspicion that he might be cheating but i didn't like the idea of someone following him around. Eventually, i got something better, another friend introduced me to an Ethical Hacker who i contacted via ( sphinx.coderaven @ gmail.com )I couldn't just help it but to confirm my suspicions and also i needed to get hold of his hidden activities. Sadly my suspicions came to light. My husband has been seeing someone else. The hacker provided me with text messages, phone call recordings, pictures my husband sent from our matrimonial bed, email of him flirting with his secretary. Within 4hrs the job was delivered, lol i was really surprised because I never thought is possible to monitor someone’s phone without having access to the device. THE CODERAVEN helped me in that hard situation and this is just a way to show my gratitude

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

So sorry to hear that but glad that you at least can move on.

i have been married to a narcissist for 16 years, finally moving towards a divorce; but as expected, he is focused on himself vs the children. i will be left without a roof over my head if i don't find additional information on his assets/ behavior.

Can you tell me a bit more on what this ' ethical hacker' can do?

thanks much

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

I'm really sorry about what you're passing through, it's so sad to hear that a fellow lady is about to lose on a divorce case. Well about the Ethical Hacker, he can help you find additional information that will help you get hold of him on the neck. Just explain in details what you need to him and i assure you that he will provide the answers you need.
I wish you all the best, if you want to text me privately let me know

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

Can I privately chat with you for more info plz

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

Sure. For more information you can privately text me via my mail, carterkatherine248@gmail.com I'll respond immediately

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

Hi I’m in the same boat.
30 years with a nark he’s trying to break me
All the abuse a narcissist gives he’s done it.
It’s really hard core dealing with a nark x

Re: How i got solid proofs of my ex-husband's hidden outside affair

Can I get some more information on the ethical hacker as well please?