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16 years gone.

I was with my fiancé for 16years engaged for 3. He cheated on me several times and I cheated once. We have 3 children together. The last time he cheated it really broke me and I had a hard time forgiving him and I did see some form of change, but it became toxic because of my pain. I started thepary , but because of COVID-19 I had to stop going. Recently he has been saying he’s unhappy and we had several fights that led to the final break up. Because of my pain I would have these outbursts and say hurtful things. Because of things he would say to me. He has messed up so many times and I always forgive him, even if I knew it wasn’t in my best interest, I was trying to hold my family together. This time I make a mistake and he won’t forgive me. We broke up and and started dating my co-worker. We work in the same building and he wasn’t even man enough to tell me it was her. I had to find out on my own. Now he claims he so sorry for ruining my life and he keeps apologizing and trying to be there for me emotionally. I can’t believe him, he just threw our 16 years away for some tramp. That I introduced him to. Consulting with her on things we should do with our family, which is none of her business. He claims he’s attached to her it’s only been a month. I’m so disgusted. He’s already talking children etc . And then in the same breath says he confused. He completely cut off communication with and now we only speak when it’s about the kids. I’m completely devastated and don’t know how to move forward. I gave this man all of my 20’s and most of my 30s and he just gave up on me. After everything I endured.

Re: 16 years gone.

Wow, I'm so sorry to read your story of grief. I'm in the same situation after 34 yrs so I don't even have any words to comfort you. I guess knowing you're not alone is what I can offer you. Take it easy on yourself and try to pull away from looking at any of their social media. It's easier not knowing. My heart is with you

Re: 16 years gone.

Thank you!! I know I’m not alone and I know other women have been through worse. I’m not on social media and it wouldn’t matter anyway because he blocked me. I’m just trying to make sense of it all and looking forward to feeling better. Thanks again for your kind words.

Re: 16 years gone.

I just wanted to reach out because I'm going through something similar with my husband of 25 years except he's in love with some dumb girl he met on the internet and she's literally 21... And he's treating me like I mean nothing to him and I should just get over it..I'm totally blindsided by this too.. anyhow I just wanted you to know I'll be praying for peace for you and to let you know people do care what your going through ❤️❤️❤️❤️