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Create a future better than the one when you were married

Hello all,

I am excited to connect with you all.

I am currently going through divorce myself after my husband cheated on me, I understand first hand the self doubt, lack of confidence and emotional burden we have all gone and are going through.

Turning to food as 'comfort' and entering the vicious cycle of eating, shaming myself, lacking confidence and eating more and repeating was a big part of my journey.

I doubted what my future would look like and in fact couldn't really picture one. It felt like what was the point of it all anymore but then it just took one moment for me to decide to create a life better than the one when I was married. I transformed my life free from the emotional burden of food and I truly am living a life that I want to be living.

After learning everything I did and realising how I could become the best version of myself I couldn't keep it a secret, I am bursting waiting to help more women in the same position I was in. I got my head down and worked to become a certified life and weight coach helping divorced women stop emotional overeating and create a life they want to be living.

I am currently offering a 6 week program for you to stop emotional overeating and create a life better than the one when you were married.

Life doesnt have to be full of pain and suffering, I am an example of what is possible, there is no limit, you can truly create the future you want to be living regardless of your husband leaving you. It only takes that one moment to change everything.

If you would like a free consultation please email me on hello@claudiasidoli.com I cant wait to speak to you and I am already filled with so much love for you!

No matter what, you have got this and your future is exactly what you make of it, go get it!
