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Why cant he call once and say something about why he left or atleast a goodbye

Why he is hiding himself..why i cant know the reason y he left..why he has to treat me like i meant nothing...

Re: Why cant he call once and say something about why he left or atleast a goodbye

Maybe cowardice? Maybe he knows he’s ‘in the wrong’ and doesn’t want to admit it?..

Maybe he’s a controlling narcissist and this is way of having power and dominance over you?

There could be many reasons. It’s certainly not a nice experience to put you through.

My advice, and it may not be want you would like to hear, is to spite him back by being as happy, productive and successful as you can! Hopefully, he’ll get to hear of how well you are doing without him and despite his cruel act of abandonment, maybe he’ll get jealous and envious of your coping ability...At least then, you indirectly have the final ‘say/the ‘last laugh.’

There’s no excuse for him being meant to you like that. Please don’t waste another tear over someone like that. Crying and beating yourself up emotionally will only wear you down, whereas you need strength right now to build a successful life without him. There’s a word for men like him: It begins with a B and ends with ‘ard!’ Hugs sista :)

Re: Why cant he call once and say something about why he left or atleast a goodbye

I know i should move on.cant expect anything from someone who not even cared to say why and acted all t way.Thanks for ur reply.means a lot

Re: Why cant he call once and say something about why he left or atleast a goodbye

Maybe he's moved on. Maybe there's no talking to you.