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Ex is violating his VPO!!!

My ex husband is constantly violating the VPO! Every time he come to our kids game. Even though I dislike this man I’m ok if he want to come to kids sports game I get that but when there is a protective order out on you & you walk pass by me, stand less then 10 ft away from me ack like nothing can touch you, give me a mean mucking look every time I look your way...every games without fails. I want to know why is this ok?? How am I supposed to trust him w/our children if he can even be honest with himself let alone his kids. He is not to have any what so ever contact with me it said in our divorce decree & my VPO! It makes me nervous, anxcit, im alway on the lookout when he’s around. I don’t want to be or feel like that I should be feeling relax & calm not jumpy all the time. I filed for divorce cause of his drug use & domestic violence. What can I do to nip this??? If anyone has any advice or legal advice please comment thanks in advance!!!