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Children school and divorce

I recently got a divorce. In the divorce papers it says he has exclusive rights to choose the school the children attend. He has checked them out of there school do to the girls moving in with me but the school here says I don't have rights to enroll them without his written permission. When he withdrew them he put what school they would be enrolled in. Can I legally check my children in school even though he has exclusive rights to choose the school?

Re: Children school and divorce

Hi, I don’t have a specific answer, but if he stated which school he would like them to attend when checking them out of their previous school, is this the same school that you now want to enrol them into? If so, would they accept that signed document as proof for enrolment maybe?

If you are trying to enrol them in a completely different school however, perhaps contact the Education dept and ask how the process works. If you do need his written permission, ask them if an email from him will suffice? Just an idea...