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Exhusband moves back and wants to stop providing child support

Exhusband moved back to the house due to the fact his roomy moved out and he refused to pay full rent...He moved back to the house that was left to me and our son after a year away from the house and our son... he wants to stop paying child support...can he do that? I am currently without a job and I use every penny of that money to pay half of everything from food to water bill and my sons phone...we both agreed on all of this...the only thing I do not pay is half of the electric bill..because we agreed that instead I'll pay by cooking...cleaning...laundry...making him coffee...almost everything I was doing for him except intimacy...that I will never ever do with him...so can he take away the child support when I have been using to pay half of everything without keeping a penny...

Re: Exhusband moves back and wants to stop providing child support

By the way I'm in Florida...I didnt need to let him come back...I could have sold the house and got myself out of this mess...but he made it impossible to sell the house and still is doing that...