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Learning Boundaries

I occasionally ask my soon to be ex husband if he's with his girlfriend or what plans does he have with his girlfriend. I want to stop asking him what's he's doing. I want to let go but I'm so hurt and jealous. How do I leave him alone?

Re: Learning Boundaries

You remind yourself that he’s a cheating piece of .... who is committing adultery against you. Rise above the low-life and don’t spend another second wasting your emotional well-being on his disrespecting ass.

You need to think about yourself now. How will you get yourself away from him and the situation? Don’t ‘buy into it.’ Ditch the SOB ASAP or you’ll forever be mentally beating yourself up, while he’s out living it up large with her.

Get angry with the situation, not just sad! Tell yourself: Who the hell does he think he is doing this to me?! Etc etc. Get fire in your belly and take him for every cent you can in a divorce. Don’t let him play your emotions and let you settle for less. Don’t be a doormat. Be an empowered woman who won’t stand for his **** behaviour towards you. Get busy planning a new future for yourself that excludes him. Treat yourself like the quality, awesome woman you are. If he can’t see that in you and respect the awesomeness you are, then good riddance to him and hello happier, bright future. What are you waiting for? Mentally, emotionally and physically move on...because he certainly has.

Look after your physical health as well as emotional health. Exercise raises endorphin levels; helping to reduce anxiety. Writing a journal helps relive mental anguish. Please don’t beat yourself up emotionally with ‘if only I’d...’ or ‘I wish I’d... Nope! Why should you crawl into a corner and be a crying, snotty wreck when he’s out spending all his attention and money on her?! Lift yourself up hun. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family and ditch the SOB and every shred of him out of your life 😈