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When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

My husband left me without a warning..actually abadoned me....everyday y tats keep on haunting me.....i feel like something i did ....just cant live like this anymore...being angry emotional....i dontknow..when this all will stop...soon this relation gonna end...coz its going to b long time since he called...n everything in court now. I feel guilty n wondering everyday y...cant close my eyes....when n how to overcome dis....i m pushing myself...but its hard....i dont know..lost n angry n sad i am..i dntknow wat i feel wat i want...please help me to overcome this...i dont wanna feel like this anymore...if he is happy vthout me...i wanna accept that...but how...

Re: When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

It's a journey now for you....a rollercoaster ride of emotions...let those that love u help you get thru this...find a GOOD Therapist...it helped me wonders...time to think of you..and take care of YOU....this is a club no one wants to belong to...keep posting, only those that have walked it understand it... I am new to this site, it looks like a great one...big hugs to you!

Re: When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

Thanks Terri

Re: When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

I really understand what you are going through. I am just deciding to divorce after countless affairs and i'm sorry and I will never do it again. He had all the fun and I got all the pain. I too i'm wondering when does the hurt and pain stops. I'm currently seeing a therapist and praying a lot with crying in between. But I will get through this and so will you.

Re: When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

I am sorry dear...Hope all will be fine soon...i am also praying everyday..sometimes not able to accept the fact..but we will get through...

Re: When this hurting and questions will stop bothering me

Sorry to hear of your pain. I am left with kids to raise alone so I get it. Sometimes Creation shakes our foundation to rid us of situations. I think it’s fair to say in this situation you cannot lean on your own understanding seek a higher power that can help you in releasing your fear and help you to gain strength and power in knowing the seasons always change, you will gain many lessons you just cannot see that at this point. Read a book, pick up a new hobby, discover who you are.