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Re: I want to leave my mentally and physically abusive husband but I have zero support

Hi, I think you’re in quite a dangerous situation hun. He now thinks he can treat you exactly how he likes (physical and sexual assault/rape) with no repercussions. Tradition, religion ...whatever- go right out the window when it’s your life that’s in danger. Prioritise you over every one else right now, or there may no be a ‘you’ due to his violence, their turning a blind eye, or you suiciding.

As another poster here said -look up women’s counselling services but also look up domestic violence shelters and refuges. I’m not sure which country you’re based in, but if you tell me, I’ll research some resources for you. I’m in Australia and we have DV Connect, 1800RESPECT, women’s legal advisory service, legal aid, plus a whole range of DV refuges.

There’s no way, by the sound of things, that you are going to be able to rely on him, his family or even your own family, to protect you from harm. You’re going to need impartial help, support and advice. We’re living in the 21st Century-All the bull**** about women being mens’ ‘property’ is from the dark ages! You have legal rights. You can call the police and report he raped you. You can take out a protection order (restraining order) against him to keep him away from you.

THIS IS NOT RIGHT. Please get out before you get hurt more-but do it covertly. Plan your finances, pack a bag with essentials like clothes, some Muslim bars, any medications, ID documents you’ll need, a phone, some cash and have a plan of where/who you can ‘escape’ to. Your college may also have some supports for graduates in terms of helping to link you to services. Be careful not to tell anyone close to either family that you’re planning on leaving. You have the element of surprise in your side-use it to put some distance between you when you leave, and buy a new SIM card so he can’t trace you via ‘find my iPhone’ or similar. Speak to a women’s legal service to see if you can get a low fee, or even free lawyer’s advice.

Re: I want to leave my mentally and physically abusive husband but I have zero support

Muesli bars! Sorry-Autocorrect had changed this word to Muslim 😲

Re: I want to leave my mentally and physically abusive husband but I have zero support

Thank you for your advices. I live in a residential area called "Bashundhara R/A" in Dhaka, Bangladesh, this is where my parents' house is actually. My in-laws house is an hour away. Last Friday my parents had invited my husband and my in-laws for dinner and I was staying at my in-laws for weeks so I decided to stay at my parents' for a few days and so I stayed back after dinner. The next day my husband started to behave extremely rudely with me over phone (like he always does when we stay away from each other), he said things like "Nobody can love you, no one can stay with you', "You will always be a nothing, you have no future", "You want to independent? You will cry your whole life because you did not agree to listen to everything I say", "You should kill yourself because you are ruining my life just like you ruined yours".
He is even saying that I am disloyal to him because loyalty means to blindly listen to what someone says. He told me not to come back since I said that I sometimes miss my mother and want to see her, he said that's not allowed. I haven't issued for a National ID yet but he has my passports and that is the reason why I can't even go to the police station to file a General Diary/Complain.
I am in such a bad mental shape that my sleep routine is entirely messed up, its 6pm and I just woke up from a 3 hours long nap that too because of a very bad dream. My traumatic experiences with him has become my reason to not sleep properly, eat properly and I have anxiety attacks 2/3 times a day. I just want an immediate divorce but my parents want me to stay separated for 1 year first. The reason why I am not agreeing with my parents is because they have said the same thing before but later forced me to fix everything with him. I am trapped and now, all I can think about is killing myself to end this misery.

Re: I want to leave my mentally and physically abusive husband but I have zero support

Report your passport as stolen and get a new one sent to your parents’ address.

Don’t kill you self because your a a VALUED, lovely woman. Don’t let the abusive loser you’re currently married take your life. Go ahead with the divorce process. Your parents are guided by tradition and religion, not by logic and reason ie-That you’re being very abused by this man. You are not a slave. Not worthless. Not powerless. You are a grown woman who can make her own choices and decisions. Try to keep away from him and his toxic family as much as you can.

Here is an article I found online - I think it may be for you local area???

The Victim Support Centre (VSC) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has brought an opportunity for many oppressed women and children as they are getting various services, including legal assistance, from there.

Many victims visit the centre every day and take legal assistance, counselling support, shelter and rehabilitation facilities. They can discuss their problems frankly with police personnel as all the officials of VSC are women, sources said.

The VSC deals with the victims of rape, abduction, trafficking and domestic violence, and missing children, disabled persons and other women and children victims.

The first VSC of Bangladesh was established at the compound of Tejgaon Police Station in the capital on February 17, 2009. Later, eight more VSCs were set up in seven divisional cities and Rangamati.

The VSC provides a wide range of services, including emergency shelter and immediate support, healthcare, legal advice and support, psychological advice and counselling, to the victims.

They also provide training and capacity building for rehabilitation of the victims and support for re-integration into family and community.

According to the annual reports of VSC, around 2,557 women and children victims took services from there in the last five years. The VSC officials dealt with 462 cases in 2016. Of them, 127 were rape cases, 103 abduction cases, 46 sexual harassment cases, 173 dowry cases, four acid-related cases and nine other cases.

Later, the VSC resolved 291 cases by submitting charge sheets to court. The remaining 171 cases are under investigation.

With the partnership of 10 NGOs, the Victim Support Centre is serving women and children victims by providing legal assistance, counselling support and rehabilitation facilities.

The NGOs are Ain O Salish Kendra, Association for Community Development, Association for Correction and Social Reclamation, Aparajeyo Bangladesh, Acid Survivors Foundation, Bangladesh National Women Lawyers’ Association, Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust, Dhaka Ahsania Mission and Marie Stopes.

According to the officials, the VSC has the accommodation facilities for 24 women and children. They can stay up to 5 days. In addition, shelter in particular cases is provided for more than five days.The centre is open 24 hours a day. From assistant commissioner to constable, 86 women police are working at the centre.

The VSC makes arrangements for long-term rehabilitation for the orphans, homeless, abandoned, disabled, destitute and isolated elderly persons with the help of NGOs.

All types of urgent needs and services, including medical aid, trauma recovery counselling, emotional support, have been given to the survivors at VSC.

The VSC provides a solution to the women and children victim as against the uneasiness and inconveniences they face during their stay-period especially at night in a police station.

Re: I want to leave my mentally and physically abusive husband but I have zero support

Wonderful.Awesome practical advice. I agree completely.