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Re: Complete devastation

I'm sorry. I don't have any words of advice, I was just left 3 months ago but whatever you're going through please know there's at least one other person experiencing something very similar. Hang in there.

Re: Complete devastation

Dear Danee, I am very sorry to hear that. I can understand how awful it feels and I know you are confused because on one side, you love him and miss him and on the other, you cannot take something like cheating so casually, nobody can. I am also in a devastated situation, maybe the reasons are different but I know how painful the feeling of uncertainty about future is. I pray and hope that your heart finds the right decision that will lead you to peace and happiness.

Re: Complete devastation

Thank you for your kind response. I hope everything works out for you as well. This is such a hard time, but it's nice to have this chat as an outlet. It's nice to know I'm not alone.

Re: Complete devastation

You're welcome dear. Yes you are not alone, you have us. I am there for everyone who's suffering from something really painful like divorce. Love and prayers for everyone

Re: Complete devastation

I hate to see you throw away so many years of marriage without even trying. Let your anger subside a little and see if it's possible to work things out. At least your husband is remorseful and if it only happened once, maybe you can be over it. My husband is angry because I found the texts messages in his phone. I don't even understand why he's talking about divorce.

Re: Complete devastation

Got you beat at 27 years and two weeks ago my husband pulled a pin and threw a grenade in our lives because he looked in the mirror and decided his feelings have changed. WHAT? So ya your not alone in the loneliness, the confusion, the frustration and complete devastation you are feeling now. If you cant forgive your husband for cheating and only you know if you can and this is soooooo easy to say and sooooooo difficult to do: make your self happy....I know what your going to say cause I say it to: I am only happy when I'm with him. Trust me I get it. I just listened to a audio tape about letting go. Meditate for a minute and say I (insert name) am preparing to let (insert name) go. Then think about his face, think about all the wonderful times you've shared and let those play in your mind. Then think about all the crappy times you've had and let those play because girl we both know after all those years it isn't all fun and games. Its freaking hard. Then say your name and say you release ? to be with your sole partner. Let the tears flow cause they will. IN vision cutting all the ties that bind your sole, heart, hands, feet, sexually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Cut all bindings you have in your mind, visually seeing them cut and fall. Do this everyday, 5 times a day, however many times for you to cry all the emotions out of you and get mad. Get **** mad. You didn't do anything wrong, HE DID IT. You know have to pick up the pieces of your life and try, somehow, to reassembly them in some sore of way that best fits your situation. I am no expert on this I am just letting you know what I am trying to do. Is it working you ask.....Not sure but doing something is better then doing nothing at all. Much love flowing your way!!

Re: Complete devastation

It has been 45 days since I found out my husband was unfaithful and not 1 day has gone by without me feeling completely devastated. We live in the country so he is currently living in a trailer on the property and doing everything he can to help me out. Why is it now he decided to be helpful? All he wants is his family back is what he says. He lied, made me feel like a fool and broke my heart, how we ever get back to anything. All i do everyday is think about what he did, it just replays in my mind. How will I ever be able to move on? I want space from him, but he seems to be everywhere. I just feel so hurt and broken. I don't know what to do!