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Re: How did you tell your husband you wanted a divorce?

I didn't have to tell my husband that I wanted a divorce. It was inevitable. He was emotionally, physically, and I tried everything that I knew to do keep it together. Finally within the final years things escalated. He was using (I'm not even sure what) but things got worse and worse and I began to fear for my life. Our twins were older and I could see how his behavior was rubbing off on them. They started being disrespectful and taking on more of his behavior. Our daughter had always been a Daddy's girl so in her eyes he could do no wrong. Of course he hid his behavior from them, so it was easy for him to just lie and make me look like the bad guy because his behavior was upsetting. I've left and I feel like I've lost everything. My kids, my home, and I had to leave the city that I've lived in for more that 30+ years. I moved to be closer to my older daughter, but she is the only person I know here and she is extremely busy. My daughter found me an apartment almost 30 miles from her home, and it requires me to drive on the freeway alongside huge trucks, and I never had this issue in California. It's very hard, and I don't know how to re-establish myself. I have injuries sustained from his abuse so it makes it difficult to work, and sometimes even to walk. I don't know how to pick up the pieces of my shattered life

Re: How did you tell your husband you wanted a divorce?


I made sure I had everything done before I told him. I met with an attorney, did all the homework she told me to. Copies of all legal documents, remove my valuables (jewelry, etc) from the house, lock the gun safe and remove the key from the house. Just standard stuff she told me to do. Then we filed, after we filed she told me to tell him.

I wrote everything down. We went to a restaurant, I gave him the paper and told him I had already filed. I was expecting a blow up, but he took it fairly well. Really wasn't surprised I think.

Good luck!