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Almost Seperated

I dont know how to deal with this "limbo." My husband moved out and we thought we would work on ourselves and the marriage. However he has been taking a month to move out and said he can't process his feelings until he's fully moved which will be July 10. I've been going to individuals therapy fro Jan- March (when we were also in couples therapy) so last month I was able to pick it up again and bring my therapist up to speed.
I've been going back and forth on if this relashionship is even worth fighting for because I'm getting a lack of a fight on his end. He doesn't have a job and says that he won't start his own therapy until after he moves.
My anxiety was at an ultimate high last night so I called him and pour my heart out. I was vulnerable and honest. I didn't get any acknowledgement. He snowballed into past conversations and said he doesn't know where he stands.
He then proceeded to tell me that because I'm not giving him time that I will end up pushing him away. Immediately regret ever calling. I should have taken a xanax instead.
Is this an emotional intelligence issue? I'm going through a period of extreme sadness. I don't know if I can cope with this "limbo."