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Re: Husband left out of nowhere

Quite right re: feeling angry.
It sounds as if he’d been planning on leaving the marriage for some time. He’s had time to plan, organise, move on emotionally, whereas for you, it’s raw/a shock.

If you can, try not to let your emotions get the better of you. You’re going to need your energy, your brain power to protect your interests. Seek out counselling, anti-anxiety meds from your doctor, and if you have any friends and family you can call on/trust, it’s ok to pour your heart out to them too. You will need to grieve the loss of your marriage, while also putting on mental armour to ‘fight’ for a fair divorce settlement.

Prepare yourself for the ‘bullets’ of feigned love, regret and emotional manipulation he may send your way.creating mixed messages that keep you tied to the hope that you can reconcile/‘fix’ your marriage, but that are in reality, attempts to disarm and charm and manipulate you. He may genuinely regret his choice/his actions at some stage, but a new love interest that’s 11 years his junior is probably a strong pull that he’s not going to want to relinquish easily.

Lust is all very well. But it’s companionship, friendship, love and loyalty that counts for more in the long-term. He’s stupidly chucked those valuable gems away by choosing to leave you and your marriage. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence! Who knows; she may even get sick of him after a while!

Look after your physical, emotional, financial and spiritual well-being as much as you can during this tough time. Don’t look like a torn, tattered, destroyed mess when he next sees you. Look amazing! Stick your nose proudly in the air as if you wouldn’t **** on him if he were on fire! You’re going places in life, and if he’s not on board, it’s his immature, stupid loss 🌸