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Change of custody/visitation -keep current school district

I have a 13 yr old son who my ex and I have joint physical custody of 50/50. My exs girlfriend moved in recently and has become mentally abusive to my son. My son wants to live with me and have visitation with his father (no overnights). I live in PA & my ex lives in NJ (10 minutes from each other). My son wants to remain in his school in NJ. Is this going to be a problem? I am currently listed as PRP in the custody agreement. If my ex and I agree that he should stay at his school in NJ I don't see why it should be a problem. We both pay school taxes for the schools where we reside but now my son's physical address would be NJ even though I want to go for full physical cuatody. Is there something called "physical address for schooling purposes"?