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How to move out in an expensive area

Hi, I would appreciate any advice. I've wanted a divorce for at least six years. My husband is not a bad man but he is a horrible, horrible husband. He's not no motivation, he's emotionally neglected me for years. I've come to realize he is just incapable. He's not horrible. He just doesn't have the social skills to be in a relationship. I went years and years without a single birthday or Christmas present. Not a single "date night." I am lonely and he acts like a child.

However we live in the very, very expensive Bay Area. My husband has degrees in computer engineering and a graduate degree in history. He drives a bus. We have been completely broke all of our marriage. My youngest is now 11 years old and my oldest is now 18. I stayed with him for the kids. There was a high need for me to be around and my income was lower than the cost of childcare or nanny.

Now I am returning to work, but have lost many years of experience since I was a stay at home mom. Everyone still relies on me heavily for all cooking, organization, housework, and kid activities. Most of all my husband relies on me as he does zero of these activities.

Average rent is over $2600 here for a small, old two bedroom. I want out. I am screaming inside to get out and away from him. However I do not know how to support my kids and get out. I am desperate to not live with him anymore.

Please, any suggestions are welcome.