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Re: Why??

I been separated for a month, but we are divorcing. I have been married for 28 years and it is devastating. I am 49 years old and honestly I don't know where to go from here. My husband cheated 10 years ago. We went to counseling and I thought that things were going good. Then when the pandemic hit things became very difficult. He kept working because he is in law enforcement. He became very distant. We would not talk much and when we did we would just get into arguments. He worked a lot of overtime and I would hardly see him. There was little to no intimacy. When I asked to go to counseling he agreed. Only to find out that he was not 100% committed. It turns out he had started communicating again with the same woman he had an affair with 10 years ago. I had no choice but to ask him to leave and he did. Deep inside I wanted him to say that he was sorry and he wanted to work on the marriage and I would have agreed. I would have done anything in my power to stay together and continue working on getting things back on track, I was still in love with him. I am all for giving people a second chance and of the philosophy that people can change, but every situation is different. If you think that he is committed to make the relationship work, then I say go for it. If he is not 100% committed then you need to decide what is best for YOU! I hope this helps. I am no expert but from my experience I know that this is one of the most difficult decisions you are going to have to make.

Re: Why??

Hi Mich
Thank you for sharing your story and
Sorry to hear what you are going through also
I just hope that I will be strong enough to go through a divorce
If he is not 100 % committed and even if he is I do not think that I will trust him again :(((
In my mind I will think that he is still talking and seen her behind my back if I give him a chance.