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Re: Should I stay or should I go

Why don’t you like him? If there’s abuse/neglect, then that’s reason enough to leave. If you don’t like his snoring...then maybe that’s something you can get medical support with! So...it depends on why you don’t like him?

Only you know how you feel. If you’re miserable in the marriage, perhaps seek out marriage guidance counselling?

Re: Should I stay or should I go

I do not like the way he talks to me (He does not take none of my opinions in consideration)
He thinks that he is always right on any topic we talk about
I did mentioned this things to him but he has not change
Even counseling will not change him
I am sick and tired of him thinking that he can control my emotions, my opinions, my ideas or anything
That is why I do not like him but why I still Love him even though He reacts this way towards me

Re: Should I stay or should I go

Hi, I am going through the same thing, I have been married 32
years. I am 65 and my husband is 67. He is definitely going through midlife crisis, due to my neighbor and her perky 50 year old daughter, who is married with a 15 year old.. Since we moved in and the neighbors 86 year old mother commented how good looking my husband is
He has completely, became obsessed about his look. and seeks the daughters attention. There is not one day, that goes by that he does not comment on my looks, or any thing else, every little thing is scrutinized or degrading, I can’t do anything right. Without going into detail, I have had rose colored glasses on way to long. I have contacted a lawyer, and we discussed the strategy, till my out. I have really took a good look at the crap he has dealt me for so many years. I used to think he will change, How can I give up my beautiful home, my comfortable life, Now I see, finally,? What a fool, I should have been gone 20yrs ago.