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Re: Imminent Divorce

I been separated for about a month and a half, but we are divorcing. I have been married for 28 years and it is devastating. I am 49 years old and honestly I don't know where to go from here. My husband cheated 10 years ago. We went to counseling and I thought that things were going good. Then when the pandemic hit things became very difficult. He kept working because he is in law enforcement. He became very distant. We would not talk much and when we did we would just get into arguments. He worked a lot of overtime and I would hardly see him. There was little to no intimacy. When I asked to go to counseling he agreed. Only to find out that he was not 100% committed. It turns out he had started communicating again with the same woman he had an affair with 10 years ago. I had no choice but to ask him to leave and he did. I have 2 children ages 14 and 17. I too feel as if I have lost my best friend. We were high school sweethearts. Now I just feel like I have no one to talk to about my day. I feel so lost. The first few weeks were absolutely terrible. I couldn't eat or sleep and I would cry all the time. I lost about 25 pounds. I was having panic attacks daily sometime more. In the last two weeks I have just recently started getting my appetite back and my panic attacks have become less frequent. In my case it will be months maybe even years before I can put all of this behind me.

Re: Imminent Divorce

I wonder how do we get past this feeling? It just feels like impending doom everyday

Re: Imminent Divorce

I’ve been married for 6 years and my husband just out of the blue decided he didn’t want this anymore and exposed to me that he bad been unhappy for 3 years. I gave him everything. I was everything for him. And even though I know I deserve better than someone who can will just pack up and leave with no remorse, it hurts like hell. My heart feels heavy. Eating is a chore, sleep is impossible and the pain feels like it will never go away. Just like you both I lost my best friend. I lost the one person in this world I never thought would hurt me