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Re: 27 years of marriage left with very little

Oh Mel. :( The horse may have bolted already. The time to seek legal advice was when the settlement was being negotiated. If he lied, or if you were intimidated into an agreement, you may have some potential recourse. If the judge asked fir your opinion, and you told them you were happy with what was being proposed and were not under any kind of duress...well, it may be a case of it being too late. Look up the appeals process for the court/type of judgement that was made. Better still: Phone the court. They won’t provide answers to your particular situation, but they may tell you whether, in general, a person who encounters this kind of situation, could lodge an appeal. If he lied to the court about his assets at the time, that may constitute fraud. Speak to a lawyer ideally.

Re: 27 years of marriage left with very little

Thank you and I honestly am scared it’s too late! One attorney told me so and I’m waiting on a call from another. It was a mitigation divorce is what I was told and I was under the impression I didn’t need an attorney. Boy was I wrong??