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Re: I just need someone to hear me.

First I am so sorry you got saddled with someone so immature and is acting and showing you that you don't matter. Because you really do matter.

I don't think talking to mom is bad to get perspective, if that is what she is doing. Or to vent so she doesn't blow up on you for some trivial thing. I would say it is very immature saying just talk to my mom she will tell you. For Sh1ts and grin, my sarcastic side would say sure what is your mom's number again? I give her a call now. --joke

I would say it doesn't sound like she was able to handle the tough part about being married.

Also not arguing is not always good some people will bottle it up and explode. I came from a family where my parents fought all the time. So I shy away from it cause I was overdosed with it as a kid and have been working on speaking up more when I am upset over the years.

I know what it is like to be alone. I am actively seeking out a support group both online and in person as I prepare to leave my husband. As I don't have family or friends to talk to.

--Hang in there!!

Re: I just need someone to hear me.

so sorry to hear that you were blindsided by your wife. looks like she checked out of the marriage a long time ago. you are going to have to dig deeper into your soul and find out what you really want. why stay with someone who clearly does not want to be with you. i am sorry if this may come off bad to you. but i totally get where you are coming from. i am not in a good place right now. i am not trying to be mean. sometimes the ones we love go and mess up our lives, by walking out of a marriage and not being a respect person to say it to your face that they don't want to be with you any more. i have been there they think a text is better to tell you that they don't want you anymore and that they have found someone else, but not to your face. they are cowards. no one deserves that. seek out some type of self help either by trying to retrain your mind or seek counseling at a church or something. you need to take care of yourself. sometimes we are being pushed to mover on even if it was not our choice. maybe something is telling you this is not what you need in your future. take care and God Bless. you are not alone.

Re: I just need someone to hear me.

My soon to be ex did the same thing!!! He talked to a woman on the phone for 2 years complaining about me, avoiding and ignoring me. it was an emotional affair. How could anything be fixed when they don't even make you aware there's an issue!!!

I've spent so much time trying to fix problems, And getting blamed for everything. He was content to avoid and deny anything was wrong. There are so many feelings of give me a chance to fix this, then f!$k this I'm done. It isn't proper closure, and we may never get it.

From what you've said your wife has already moved on. Don't hold on to something that doesn't want you. I'm struggling with this too, it hurts so **** much! I completely understand.