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Re: Sad

Oh my goodness that was good. I need to print out and put on the fridge. I felt like I was the only person in the world that this was happening to. I am very sad, but when I remember what it actually was… that man was horrible. I needed to read this today!

Re: Sad

I’m devastated and can’t even function. I feel you.

Re: Sad

I am sad and lonely too!! 50 years old, 30 years of marriage, kids grown, me trying to heal...him on his 2nd "friend" since we split in March.

Re: Sad

yes i think anyone who goes through separation or divorce is sad, angry, hurt, lonely and feel unworthy. we all go through so much pain and heartbreak after so many years with a person who was suppose to stay with you forever. do some soul searching and find yourself. get out and try to enjoy yourself. change something about your self. something that you have never done but have always wanted to do. i know it is hard. i am trying to get myself out more. all i want to do is stay inside and hide. you deserve better and maybe the future is telling you that it is time to move on and become a better person for yourself. i am trying to retrain my mind to have good thought not negative one. take care and God Bless you. i know you have it in you to be the best person you can be.