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Re: Should I settle?

@JVon... Thank you so much for your response. You said it right, I am making decisions with my heart and not a clear mind. I keep hearing over and over not to settle. I think it's time I get my lawyer and get what I know I deserve.

Re: Should I settle?

I echo what jvon says, not only that I am sure I saw another post on here , where someone was basically railroaded into accepting , and then finds out after the divorce that’s she had been duped.
Get some proper legal advice , I wish you well ❤️

Re: Should I settle?

@Diane thank you so much. I will do just that.

Re: Should I settle?

Do not settled for less
By law is 50/50 of all the assets you built together
I am divorced for a year now....
And my ex told me he is the one that built his business (himself) how can he say that ?? Not truth
I used to do the income taxes , utilities bills etc...every year for the last 30 years
I was his right hand all the way when we had our own business
I do not understand why (Husbands) think that we have done nothing as a Wife, Partner that helped him every way possible to succeed in business ...
once your divorce is finalized he will realize that you were his right hand to all his business And he could appreciated what you used to do for him
That’s sad that he and my ex thinks that we were no help
After all the worked we put in
Sorry you what you are going through
It hurts but things will get better and you will be in peace and you will be able to do whatever your heart ❤️ desire ...
You should be proud of yourself
Wish you Good Luck 🤞🙏

Re: Should I settle?

@Lisa thank you! You are so right. He literally told me all I am is a great "Administrative assistant" but I had no parts in building his business and that he did it all on his own. When his truck broke down, I was there. Him and his drivers get paid every week because of me. His paperwork is A1 because of me. His biggest account that bring in majority of the money is because of me. I landed that account. How dare he! Just thinking about it is really grinding my gears. I'm so sorry that you went through something similar. If you don't mind me asking, since you went through it already, did you end up getting half of the business?

Re: Should I settle?

Hi Tatiyana

I did get 49% (Which I agreed) if I would’ have not than both of us would go to Trial and than the judge would decide who gets what) going to Trial can be expensive ...you have the right to chose your assets and than your attorney will present to your ex to see if he would agree of what you chose to be yours (hopefully he will)
As long as you have joint accounts (under both names) you will be fine
Is the business under your name? because it it is not that will consider separate asset to him only .
Other than that all joints accounts and deeds etc... is divided
1/2 and 1/2 unless he gives you hard time asking for more
In that case you can try Mediation before going to Trial
(My divorce took almost 2 yrs to be finalized )
Gather the last 2 or 3 years of your income taxes,
Bank Accounts Numbers including the present balance (just in case he withdraw money from the account) once he knows your are filing for divorce , open a bank account under your name only (whatever money you can deposit) open a P.O. Box , all documents that you need to proof that is under your name and your husband name (just to have it handle if in case you need to proof it)
Take care

I wish you the best 🙏✌️

Re: Should I settle?

@Lisa thank you so much!