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Re: Crying so much; When will it get better?

Journal everything , just writing it down how you are feeling is very cathartic, it gets a lot of the anger and sadness out, I know I am getting better because I used to write in mine religiously everyday , can go 2 weeks now and not write anything, plus when you read it back from the beginning you can see the changes in your moods and how you are feeling. I am on my 3rd one now, 240 pages in each journal, and I started mine in October last year , once my divorce comes through and I have moved from the family home as having to sell , I will ceremoniously burn them. Another reason I know I am getting better is that there are not so many swear words , at the beginning it was literally every other word.

I wish you well xxxx

Re: Crying so much; When will it get better?

Thank you so much. I have been writing things down; but sometimes I feel like crying more when I journal butI guess it’s a way of getting all of those feelings and emotions out. It does help. Thanks again!!!