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Re: The pain is becoming unbearable

Girl… I know exactly how you feel. I am four months in and some days it feel like it just happened. You just have to keep pushing forward. What your father doesn’t understand is whether he did it or not it is emotional abuse! Why would anyone make someone feel that way that they truly loved? Keep moving forward! Keep moving forward!
One of these days both of us will have joy every day, you won’t have the sick feeling inside, life will be great with or without a man!

Re: The pain is becoming unbearable

@Jvon you said it best! Why would someone who claims they love me do this to me!! I am hurting so bad. This is torture. I really can't wait to come back to this post and have an update from the both of us saying how happy we are! Hold on and keep encouraging others because that good karma will come back to you. Thanks again! We both got this!

Re: The pain is becoming unbearable

You have any friends or something you like to do.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Take a couple of nights or a weekend spay day or a massage, something so you can take care of yourself and release it and get out of the house. Even if you just start saying Hey I am going for a walk you need to watch the kids. Make sure he knows he still has responsibilities towards his kids. It not all sunshine and roses.

And just know he is really doing that to hurt you. Saying see I am so much happier now that I am getting rid of you.

Don't let him do that to you.

My husband had started to do that (no divorce asking yet but he can tell something is amiss)... Acting all happy, loosing weight, getting together with friends. So, I got together with an old friend for a whole day. I also went out with co workers to a bar. And my first drink since college. I been distant, and I been quick to retort when he has been a sh1 t ahead to let him know he wasn't getting to me.

about 2 months later, his mood is starting to shift back to angry upset depressed and I am like whatever.

He is starting to less and less around the house (he started doing more around the house 3.5 years ago when I almost left then over something major he kept secret for many years and he begged me to stay saying he would change.)

Re: The pain is becoming unbearable

@Angela... that sounds exactly like what he is doing. Trying to lose weight, Purchasing new clothes and shoes, walking around as if he is so happy, speaking in "code" when I come around and so much more. It's so hurtful and annoying. Just when I think I'm getting my strength, he does something that tears me back down. I am over it. Thank you so much for your response. I don't know why some men act this way. I hope your situation gets better! I will definitely try to get out of the house. I think I'm falling into depression 😔