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Re: Ending a long marriage

I totally get it. I have been married for 28 years. I don't know who I am outside of one half of this couple. The only advice I can give is talking to others at this same point in life. This completely sux, and if there were a quick fix pill, I would take it! Please reach out. Maybe we can help each other through this.

Re: Ending a long marriage

Ladies, I can't believe that a lot of us are in the same position in this stage of our lives. It is unbearable to think that I may have to live the rest of my life on my alone without a love partner. I know that I am not ready to start a new relationship, but the alternative seams so bleak and lonely sometimes. The times alone are the worse. My soon to be ex took my two boys out of town this weekend so I am home alone. I am just taking it day by day and looking forward to a time where I can say that I am better and stronger for having been through all this.

Re: Ending a long marriage

Morning / evening ladies

All comments pretty much sum it up, still going through the midst of divorce and trying to sell house and find somewhere to live.
Whole host of emotions going on, I feel I am in the mend , it’s all kicked off in Last year when I found the stbe has been cheating again,
Did what I said I would do if he did it again, kicked him out. So have been dealing with getting divorced , selling a home, trying to find somewhere to live and deal with now 20 yr old sons , who hope to god don’t turn out like him.
Range of emotions up and down like the tarts knickers he was cheating with.
Anger was off the scale , sadness, numbness, you name it have been there , started journaling to get rid of anger and mixed emotions, I know I am getting better as I don’t journal so much now.
Went through a phase where I had rose tinted glasses on, trying to make excuses for him, that didn’t last long , these were from evenings where I a memory would crop up from knowhere , suppose I was mourning the future I thought I had, and was now gone, but you know what I would just read what I had put in my journals over the months and realise what an arsehole he was and will always be,
Now instead of dreading the decree nisi and absolut dropping on the mat, I can’t bloody wait, I just want him out of my life, in fact I would go as far to say the cheater he involved himself with , as she has done this before , I actually want him to go off with her , she lives a few hundred miles away, she has cooled off, think she was using him as a meal ticket, now she realises he does not have a pot to **** in , she has cooled, it was just fun for her. I actually want them to set up house together, because the way I see it , he does not deserve a decent loving faithful person and neither does she , because they both lie and cheat, if they are together that means the decent people out there are safe , it seems my stbe has done this in all his relationships, it’s all coming to light now, he will never change, so yeah I am ****** off that I wasted 22 yrs on someone that is not fit to lick my boots, and yeah I am 58, not exactly a good time to start again, but you know what , at least I have kicked him in to touch now, whether I have 1 yr left on this planet or 30 yrs plus left on this planet, I am going to make the most of it. Once I have moved out of the family hime that chapter of my life will be closed and I will start a new one. There is nothing etched in stone to say my life began and ended with him, I am no longer mourning what I thought I had lost, because let’s face it , what I had , and was naively passing off as acceptable behaviour from him was not worth diddly squat.
If you took me in a room before I said my vows , and you said this is what will happen over the years , do you still take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband , i would say, are you having a laugh, ? What I have to put up with lies, and cheating and the occasional beating and constant manipulative behaviour , hell no,. So ask yourself ladies , whatever you have been accepting over the years from your spouse , would you still marry them? No you would not , but here’s the thing for some reason once we are in this situation and are enduring such behaviour , we are constantly trying to make it work , . This revelation has hit me like a ton of bricks,, so no I am not going to waste another minute thinking what if ?, I am saying thank god I won’t have to put up with this behaviour anymore.
So I will make a fresh start , older , but a lot more wiser, and a lot more happier,
You can do it ladies
Much love ❤️

Re: Ending a long marriage

Hi Diana I found out the something two weeks ago 31 years and he had kids with her and not me I got help https://bit.ly/3iRvp84 good luck