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Re: Cheaper to stay married

I agree with Shivani, go to therapy yourself screw him. If he doesn't want to help the marriage then start helping yourself.

You need to take care of yourself and having someone to talk to for at least an hour a week will help with your drained emotions and help you replenish your psyche to becoming stronger so you can make decisions best for your interests.

As far as feeling sorry from him. I use to feel this way and that voice is dying out for me. I just now start thinking about all the awful things he has done when that voice or feeling comes on to counter balance so I don't brain wash myself into to staying.

One thing you need to understand is men care about stuff, their pride and winning and women tend to not put that much emphasis on those things as much.

And in his way he is winning he keeps you in a marriage you are miserable in, doesn't lose financially and get to see you basically go down hill into exhaustion.

Not a nice guy to be with.

And as I am typing this I am thinking of my little a-hole downstairs and how he is turning up the niceness even more. Trying to make it harder and pull my heart strings and your story just reminded me of all the little sh ! tty things he has done and said.

What I have equated it to with my husband is that I am his mom (as much as I tried over the years not too be) and as such I feel responsibility for his happiness and I am not his mom and
responsible for his f***** happiness.

Re: Cheaper to stay married

Hi Angela
Thank you for your suggestions and I am sorry that you are going through this problems too
Wish you Luck too
It makes sense what Shivani and you mentioned
Thank you both again ✌️