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Desperate ex husband

Hello Everyone
Been married for 34 years
I am 60 yrs old
I filed for divorce almost a year but it is not final yet
I cannot believe my ex found someone new she seems the same age as my ex husband (he is 64yrs old) I do not know her and never seen her during our marriage until now from a video camera I caught him
I do not know how my ex found someone so soon .... and I heard her calling him (HONEY) it looked that he new her from before the way they were talking to each
Who knows how long they knew each other and I did not know about it
I am still shocked
My jaw dropped when I saw him with this women (sweet talking to each other)
At this point I care less what he is doing
Maybe he was talking to this women during my marriage and I did not have a clue 😳
(There was no cheating during my marriage)But NOW I am thinking there was a possibility he was cheating in our marriage the reason I filed for divorce is he liked to control me and my adults kids he always liked to manipulate people in general

Re: Desperate ex husband

Please don’t make the mistake I made of thinking there was no cheating. You hope not, but most likely there was. Married 33 yrs, and had no clue and would have called Jesus a liar if he would have told me differently. Found out 12yrs ago when he sat me down and confessed he had fathered a child almost 2 yrs prior with a 20 yr old. Now almost 60, I am finding out stuff almost on a daily as we prepare to divorce. Let him go, focus on you. Let him see if she’ll stick by him to the grave. You don’t have to find someone too. Find you all over again. Love yourself and the rest will hopefully fall Into place.

Re: Desperate ex husband

Thank you so much for your opinion
It is hard but is for the best
Wish you luck too