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Re: Miserable Husband

Is this you husband? If it is why are you staying after 35 years of being miserable?

If it is not you husband and you are seeing this man as his mistress. Do you really want a guy cheating on his wife? ONce a cheater always a cheater.

Re: Miserable Husband

Hello Angela
It is my husband
I do not want to leave because I feel sorry for him (I do not know Why?) and because 35 yrs of marriage is a long time to just give up (he is the one that tells me how miserable he feels when I do not agree with him) and also I am 60 yrs old and he is the one that took my Virginity away ☺️
That is why I do not want to leave this marriage
I got used to Or he brained washed me (he likes to manipulate me and other people )

And also he had a heart condition that I know that his Cardiolgist told us that will not get better as his age progresses (he feels ok for now)