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Re: No more


I was in a similar situation. My verbally abusive ex- was suddenly "devastated" when I filed for divorce. He treated me horribly, abusive, manipulative, out bursts, name calling, awful around my family, etc.

He cried, swore he would do anything to get me back, etc.
Don't let your ex- manipulate you.

Stay strong and take care of yourself!

Now, since the divorce my ex- has finally gone for therapy (which was recommended to him multiple times by our marriage counselor, but he refused) and is on appropriate medication. We get along very well now and can spend time together with our adult children.

I am so happy living in peace without him!
Wishing you all the best!

Re: No more

Hi Kelly

You still talking to your ex even though he hurt (ed) you
I am Confuse 😐
Your are not afraid being with him??
After you filed for divorce
Our Adult Children does not want anything to do with him
I was asking my adult Children to at least say hi 👋 to their dad or if he needs anything just to keep in touch
They declined (nope, never ever they want to be a part of him)
I tried
Every time I opened this conversation they get upset

They are trying everything possible to make me happy without him

(I have been staying at my Son/ Daughter in-law house until I found a little house that I can call my own)

Wish you all the best to you too

Re: No more

Hi Angela,

My ex- was never physically abusive; verbally and emotionally. What made the difference when I filed was how he reacted. He didn't fight the divorce, we used my attorney, he admitted what he had done wrong and how much he had hurt me. He now says that he knows I was right to divorce him. He has now gone for the therapy help that he refused to do before and he has asked for my forgiveness. He bends over backwards to be nice to me now and he agreed to a generous alimony.

I forgave him because he is working hard to change and I have more peace not holding on to anger and bitterness.

Now, we will not be getting back together, but it is nice that our children can be with both their parent in the same room in peace.

If he had responded differently it would be a completely different story!!

I am glad that your children are supportive!

Much love to you!

Re: No more

Hi Kelly
As long he did not treat bad
Is understandable now that you can remain talking to you ex husband
At least your Kids gets along with your ex
That’s a good thing

I wished at least my kids would talk to my ex

I can only do so much

Let us all wish for the best ✌️

Re: No more

I am in the same position as you only still in the marital home. I'm waiting for a rental to come up as he won't sell the house. I'm in a 35 year relationship (30 years married), and I've felt that I've been a cleaner, carer, secretary, financial advisor and cook not an actual wife. My husband drinks every night and he is an emotional control freak. He is trying to convince me not to leave but I'm putting my foot down. I'm 62, I've just lost my brother who was 56,and I've realised that life is too short to be miserable. I just don't want to spend what's left of my life being unhappy so for once I am being selfish (I admit it) and thinking of me.

Re: No more

Hi Kill
Sorry to hear about loosing your brother
My Sympathy

I feel you even my adults kids does not want to do nothing with him too
Enough is enough right ?
Take care of your health and be happy
It is hard but you can do it

Do you have any kids ?
If so do they like their dad or get along with him without controlling them?
Wish you the best 🙏

Re: No more

Hi Jill
SORRY I misspelled your name by pressing the wrong key 🙈