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Re: Do I stay

I feel like I have no choice but to keep forgiving. I do not know how to be single. I am terrified to even try. There are some normal homeowner issues going on (plumbing, new roof...) and I feel like I need to take care of these things. Not BEFORE I leave, but almost like I can't leave because of these things. I don't want to leave. I can't let us be done. How do I walk away from all I have ever known?

Re: Do I stay

Do not stay because you are scared. You'll live to regret it. I'm also terrified but am pushing through. You wont know what's on the other side until you get there.
I think the best advice I've ever received was if your friend was in your same situation, what would you tell them? That seems to help make decisions clearer for me. Hope it does for you, too!

Re: Do I stay

I hope you are doing good today. Reaching out and hearing back makes me a tiny bit better, hopefully, this will brighten your day. Your msg did help me, today. Keep your chin up!

Re: Do I stay

I'm glad it helped at least a little. :) I'm just taking this one day at a time!